About Us
Bronx Neighborhood Housing Services CDC, Inc. (Bronx NHS), with a long presence in the Bronx, is a trusted not-for-profit organization. It provides financial, pre-purchase & post-purchase education & counseling, grants, mortgage facilitation, affordable loans, and free tax services. It also provides training to empower Bronx residents to become self-sufficient. Bronx NHS promote investment in our communities to enable individuals and families to preserve and improve Bronx Neighborhoods, their Homes and their Future. To accomplish our mission, Bronx NHS collaborates with corporations, local organizations and government entities. In addition, Bronx NHS board members are local residents.
Our Mission
To provide essential services to revitalize our communities and address emerging needs, while empowering our residents to achieve self-sufficiency.
Our Vision
The Bronx NHS CDC envisions the preservation and growth of healthy, stable, and diverse communities.
Our Core Values
In everything we do, we will conduct ourselves with:
Making honesty and integrity non-negotiable for all board, staff and volunteers.
Efficiently and economically managing the resources entrusted to us.
Avoiding, at all costs, the practice of deficit budget.
Making integrity and fairness a part of everything we do.
Treating every client –internally or externally- with whom we interface with dignity, compassion and respect.
Demonstrating professionalism in every interaction with our clients.
Weaving education into our programs in order to empower residents in our communities.
Demonstrating professionalism in all work.
Maintaining community improvement and stabilizing neighborhoods.
Ensuring that everything we do has a direct focus on improving our communities.
We will do all we can do to help our clients to achieve self – sufficiency.
Embracing and respecting diversity and serving everyone regardless of gender, age, race, religion or national origin.
Striving for excellence in all services, and programs.
An unwillingness to accept mediocrity.
Being innovative in our approaches to address community housing and development issues.
Involving other leading organizations in the community to support community growth, health and stability.
Proactively look at the future and emergent needs to continue to encourage out residents to achieve self- sufficiency.
We are committed to providing equitable access to affordable homeownership opportunities for Bronx residents. Join us.